You were born to thrive in your feminine design
This world is PARCHED for the sacred rebellion of your heart's authentic beauty & the unapologetic expression of your feminine brilliance.
Both of which are so UNIQUE to you.
And both of which channel through in a multitude of ways, to fortify both you, and the greater collective... This is the power of the divine feminine. As you awaken to your own connection to this power-source within (& all around you) you become a vessel for Her to love the world OPEN to realms of remembrance that only an embodied, tuned-in & turned-on woman can.
In short: You, babe, were born to be expressed and embodied in ways that are stunningly, and infectiously, REVOLUTIONARY.
The Vessel is a membership program, designed to guide women in embodying their divine essence and sharing their unique gifts with the world. This program emphasizes living a life enriched with love and miracles through devotion to high-frequency living.
The Better It Gets Podcast is a space for us to explore the gritty, the beautiful, the practical and the profound. These episodes cover everything from multidimensional femininity; to entrepreneurship, dharma, leadership; to devotional union, polarity, spirituality, tantra, alchemy, magic & so, so much more.